wtmo releases

Two New Releases From Our Community

Two New Releases From Our Community!

First Release:

AFL – The Three Beggars

One track, three versions! The original plus remixes from Temple011and Ben Hunt Music. These talented artists have previously remixed for us, and once again, they deliver top-quality sounds.

Second Release:

We have a collaboration between mr_melvis and Matt Schulz!

This release brings a Dub Techno journey told through two unique mixes of the same track. Each mix showcases the artists’ vision of how Dub Techno can be approached and how differently a track can feel with each mix. Definitely worth a listen!

Both releases are now out Exclusively on We Talk Music Online, and will hit all other stores on the 8. & 15. next month.

AFL – The Three Beggers


mr_melvis & Matt Schulz – What Do You See?

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