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Who are you and what is your artist name?
Michael Filser is written on my card.
My artist name is SCHEPPERZ. Yes, all in capital letters:)

What’s your background?
20+ years in listening Techno at clubs, car and headphones. 
Been many times at Street Parade in Zurich during the peak time of Techno in the late 90s and early 2000s. That gave me a good basis.
I then enrolled in an electronic music production course at Sinee here in Germany.
Also a good starting point. I then took many masterclasses they offer from different artists and well, learned a lot.

How has your practice changed over time?
Well in the beginning every thing sucks and sounded like shit. That's normal and that's how it should be. That not isolated to music only. But once I had an idea (after endless feedback loops) how the music "should" be, in a mix wise perspective, I began to use an eq less and less. Now when I create a track I really focus on getting that foundation right just by working in mono and volume, that's it. I am using an eq only, if there's no other way. Probably that's why my frequency spectrum is always quite full:)
What music genre do you most identify with?
Hard Techno, Schranz

What themes do you pursue?
If that was a trick question you've got me:) Well, music (production) of course. Recently I have developed a big interest in baking my own bread, which also gives me a nice creativity. 

What’s your scariest experience?
I will keep this to myself, sorry. 

What’s your favourite art work?
Last Judgment by Jan van Eyck

Describe a real-life situation that inspired you?
I was in hospital, lying in bed and then there was that once in while happening 'click' sound. That was late at night or early in the morning, can't remember. It was an old man next to me, full of narcotica after his surgery and creating that metallic-ish sound (maybe with his wedding ring). I recorded that one with my phone, which led to making a kick out of this.  

What’s your most embarrassing moment?
I won't tell you:) 
What jobs have you done other than being an artist?
IT stuff mainly, studied informatics and graduated

Why music?
I simply love the infinite possibilities on how you can express your inner world with music. 
It's a destressor for me and it's also hard to resist the freedom and creative power music production gives me.

What memorable responses have you had to your work?
When I signed my first contract with Thorium Records. It was an unbelievable feeling! That was a kind of feedback telling me, hey your music isn't that bad:) I really felt honoured and I knew all the hours spent in learning were worth it. 

What food, drink, song inspires you?
Bread, loooooots of self made bread:) And of course buttermilk and surely some alcohol:)
I don't really have a particular song rather a big music library and Winamp decides per shuffle. 

What do you like about your work?
That there are almost no rules in music production. 
What makes you angry?
Good question, and to be honest, I can't really remember when I was really really pissed off. 
Just like Bruce Lee said.., be water my friend. Don't force anything and you are good to go.

What superpower would you have and why?
To be on the drug of your choice, intensity and duration without having a hangover. Anytime, anywhere and without health problems. You decide with a snap of your fingers. Wouldn't that be everyone's dream? :)

Name something you love, and why.
My superpower and of course all my distortion plugins. Of course my family and somehow the fact that all the people that have led me towards the moment I am writing this now (regarding music) I have never met in personal and that's odd but that's the way it is. 

Name something you hate, and why.
Knowing the music production flow is gone and I need to stop, before I disimprove stuff. 
Name three artists that inspires you
Gayle San, Chris Liebing, DJ Rush. 

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
The mix must sound good in mono. 

Professionally, what’s your goal?
To make a living of music production. 

What wouldn’t you do without?
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