Sonic Explorations of the Self – Handpicked By DEHN. Sunday 25. February 00:00 CET will be in the name of Dub techno and Beyond. As an exclusive delicate treat, we will be featuring Matt Schulz’ Mixes from his wast library of mixes through his career. You can give his podcast a listen here, and mark […]
A stripped-down version of REAMP Even though FreeAMP may look simple, all the algorithms from our amplifying modeler plugin REAMP are still in there. In this free version, we’ve combined our favourite profiles from REAMP into one universal profile. When processing audio through FreeAMP you’ll get the sound of tape and tube saturation at the […]
Linda Audio releases Sonicrusher – versatile compressor plugin with some extra features. Sonicrusher does not model any real hardware but it is capable of everything from gentle transparent compression to extreme compression that will smack your drums hard. It can be run in Modern level detector mode (feed-forward) for fast and hard transient shaping, or Vintage (feed-back) […]
An open-source, cross platform synthesizer that uses pitch detection to choose candidates for granular synthesis or sampling. gRainbow was created to overcome a few shortcomings of traditional granular synths. Instead, gRainbow prefers longer, pitch-diverse audio clips (1), automatically produces harmonics matched for MIDI input (2) and avoids too much timestretching by generating harmonics that are […]
Monster Drum is a music producer’s friend for making music with many music genres. Whether you are a rock or metal musician, R’nB or Hip Hop producer, singer/songwriter who composes jazz or acoustic music, or any other musicians, you’ll find that Monster Drum is becoming your Go-To virtual instrument for your drum track. The great things […]