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Newsletter: A Milestone is reached – 1.000.000 Visits!

We did it! 1,000,000 visits in a year, with the majority coming in after January when we launched the new platform. A huge thank you to everyone who stuck with us as we transitioned from Discord to our own platform, and a big thanks to all the new members who have joined us since.

Our podcast reached another milestone yesterday: 50 exclusive DJ mixes! A massive thank you to everyone who contributed sets for the radio, and to those who provided live sets—you’re the ones who keep the radio alive!

We hope you’re enjoying your time on the platform and remember, together we can make great things happen. We wrote an article a while ago about why this type of platform was needed, especially now that Bandcamp is owned by one of the biggest music licensors out there.

Attack Magazine also just published an article about a new platform emerging after Bandcamp’s decline. You can read it here. Their points align closely with why we created this community-driven platform.

Once again, a huge thank you to all the artists, users, DJs, and everyone who is part of this community.


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