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Zwen BleachOffline

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      • #7624
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        so, I’m still exited!!!

        a lot has changed to track

        – kick + sidechain

        – melody now in different parts : intro + mid section + outro1 + outro2

        – added extra element in the end

        – adjusted clap

        – mini break

        – some rearragements

        So it should be better now in storytelling, less repetitive in melody and more groovy 🙂

        Hoping for some of your good ears to get me to the moon!




      • #7580
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        Will have a listen to that kick, had a similar comment in my previous track also, I guess it’s my setup. The dry clap is a reference to the original, had it wet in the beginning but for interaction with the famous melody didn’t work. Now listening in the morning the intro to the break is a bit long, the break itself I kinda like long (I always do long break) but I will shorten the intro to the break, think that will help.

        Thanks for listening and for the feedback Schepperz, much appreciated!

      • #7575
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        Thanks for listening and the feedback AFL

        I’m exited about this one and couldn’t stop working on it 🙂

        here is a long version, think it’s close to finished, sounds good to me now as it is, will need to let my ears rest now

        ps. the transition sound is added a couple of times, to transition and in the drop 😉


      • #7562
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        In the intro there is a little fluctuation in volume, instead of rising it kind of drops before it rises which is a little distracting, would let it rise without these drops in volume. I would put the highs (hi hats and/or) in the track a little higher everywhere in the track (can be done in mastering). All in all it’s a good solid mix with nice progression and alternating parts that build up nicely, not my style but I could keep listening and it kept my attention. Good work!

      • #7157
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        You were so right on that kick that it got lost in 2nd part, after hearing my own track way too much I just didn’t notice that on my own, much appreciated. I’ll be participating in giving some feedback in return also, have a kid and a lot of hobbies but I’ll make some time! Thanks for the invite on releasing it on WTMO, I’ll defenitely consider it.

        Greetingz, Zwen.

      • #7148
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        what do you think, bass and kick ok now?

        anyone that knows a label that fits my sound?

      • #7136
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        check this out, should be fixed!

      • #7130
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        I use sidechain compression for all my synths and bass to the kick, all separately 🙂 Yes that grouping thing I’ll need to check out 🙂 The track does get a little more busy after the break indeed…

        regarding the bluetooth speaker: I don’t use stereo widening tools and I’m already sending my lows to mono in my mix so would be strange if I have a stereo problem on the lows. I mix in headphones indeed but I’ll always have a listen on my monitors afterwards also. I had a feeling the kick was simlply too strong in my track but have asked other people to have a listen and they didn’t notice that.

        So I have 2 challenges, find out how the kick gets lost in the 2nd part (and try to hear it first) and don’t lose the focus on the synth variation because otherwise it starts to sound monotonous




      • #7121
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        thanks for the feedback guys.

        I’m a bit lost on the kick … have listened to it on headset and monitors and sounded ok to me, on a (good) blue tooth speaker the kick was so booming it was too much, almost breaking the speaker. So adding more oomph to the kick is not going to work, guess I’ll have to shave off some low mids again from the other elements.

        The thing is that when I do that the variation on the synth is less present and it starts to sound the same for the entire track, whilest there is variation that should be gettting the attention.

        Not sure how I’m going to fix this 🙂

      • #7303
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        thanks mate


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