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  • mr_melvis just entered top10 on the Electronica Release Chart

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  • Mastering vs Non-Mastering
    So we all make music, we’re all pretty good at it too and making those sounds And placing them in a track to make something epic, those tracks are playable and I’m sure most of the average listeners would know the difference between the 2 versions.
    But… I’ve just had my “make it England” track mastered, I like to do…Read More

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    • This happens again and again with my tracks as well Ian 🙃 I strongly believe that one is simply to biased to polish / master one’s own pieces to ‚perfection‘. And perfection was really good explained in a baking book I read recently in something you achieve, not by adding something but when nothing cannot be reduced anymore. And since you are y…Read More

    • Look at how beautiful the core of the track got flat-lined but still dynamics in the track peaks. Yours is not consistent at the core, but flat-lined at the dynamics. so its the opposite. So there is your answer

    • Very cool to see the difference.

      • Just curious: the “Unmastered” version in the pic is more of a self master? Like there is still a limiter on the end right? When you send a premaster of this style, what kind of headroom is left over? Or do you send it slammed already?

    • The unmastered version just has transient peaks surpassing the threshold but with the mastered version you can see the unwanted bits removed.

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