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  • Hi All quick cheeky tune between other tunes haha!!  this is V1 so prob some tidying up to do but the basic trac is there

    your comments and ideas are appreciated


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    • Clean, I like this. The three snares at .32s sound a bit on the grid and mechanical; loosen up the feel in the percussion there; a bit more swing would be cool. Didn’t expect the vocal, but it was a welcome addition. The last section feels a bit longer than it could be. I think you could get a really tight 3 minute radio mix out of this tune. Nice work!

  • Hi gang!
    I’m still alive, just totally fucked by the moving process.
    Hope it all ends on Wednesday, so I will be back to you on Saturday with the promised #Hardbass set. 😎🤙🏻
    Keeping in touch.
    Från 🇦🇽 med ❤️,

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    • Good luck with the move.

      • Thank you!
        Everything looks fie for now. Today we have the final round, so tomorrow I connect all my gear at the new place and will be ready to fight again. 😁
        If you confirm the same time slot for me on Sat, I will prepare the mix and start a campaign on social media. 😁

  • Profile picture of DEHN

    DEHN posted in the group WTMO-LOBBY

    I know I have been lagging behind with things. The last few months have been really hectic around my own music, and I needed to finally do something that was me, and not other peoples music.

    And then there was a huge celebration for my 14 year old this weekend, and it took a long time to plan out. Anyway. I will slowly begin catch up with…Read More

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  • I’ve been on a big Dubstep kick lately so here is my newest Deep Dubstep track.

    I’ve taken it as far as I can without taking a break so wanted to put it out for fresh ears to listen while I work on something new.

    Interested in any…Read More

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    • Think you might have a new version; couldn’t find the track.

      • Yeah, made a few changes and forgot to update the link. I will reup when I’m back on my PC. Got another one I’m closer to finished too that I’ll start a new thread with.

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