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  • A dream comes through for weed smoker 🔥 Germany has legalized Cannabis today and drops a 40 year old prohibition. Too bad they haven’t figured out how to define limit values (like permille for alcohol) when driving a car after a longer consumption break 😂 Nevertheless I never thought to witness that news in my entire life lol.

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  • What do you do subconsciously in every track you produce because you know it yields the result you’re after? For me it’s the switch to work in mono (with a shortcut I created in Ableton) when I’ve passed sound design phase.

    • Immediately set Normalizer to -6dB for each track. With my setup, it puts the levels right at the -6 to -8 dB of available headroom in the Master channel.

    • I just make sure my kick is at -18dB, and then I go from there. Then some sort of bass and go 🙂
      And then normal stuff like remove some 200 from kick to give room for bass, and remove some 350 in bass, so it again gives room for some lows from other things (and bass sounds like shit there)

      And I saturate my masterchannel the moment I think I…Read More

  • Hey guys, here’s a new track of mine. Tried a slightly different worfklow approach this time but would be really happy about your fresh ears’ feedback on everything as always 🙂

    Version…Read More

  • Came across this one yesterday and first impression is really good. Especially the overview in different bands is nice. Only thing is you cannot change the gui size, but try it yourself. I’ll will add this one to my master channel metering chain.

    Reflex Dynamic Range Meter – Reflex Acoustics

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