PR23 posted in the group WTMO-Track Feedback
This was posted before as Smooth Jazz Bitch. Due it being neither smooth , jazzy or a bitch , it has been renamed! It’s had a pretty major rework with the last half redone…Read More
PR23 posted in the group WTMO-Track Feedback
Evening all. I was going to wait until i had polished this track more as this is a first rough idea. i was working on a track and came up with a loop that I thought…Read More
Well here was me expecting some trombone and sax . Yeah, you may need to change the title!
Great groove from the off as always. I know its an early arrangement but it felt pretty loopy after the breakdown – transitions and more automation will help here, but maybe needs another breakdown and / or a new element to come in to mix it up a bit -…Read More
I like the groove, and all the elements, but think you might need something to A/B that main acid line. Or this could be a 4 minute track as in. Some of the additional hats and percussion that comes in after 3 mins is too loud for the mix, and perhaps a bit dry, or unaffected? If you’re going minimal I’d like to hear the elements move with effects…Read More
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Digging this Paul. Great progression in the 2nd half – the synth at 3:18 gave me Orbital vibes which is only ever a good thing. Personally I found the kcik a bit heavy in contrast to the skittery synths, but thats just a taste thing really. Great job.