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  • Author
    • #6508
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00
    • #6504
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      It sounds like Ticon and Son Kite raped Shiva Chandra and this the baby … in a good way … please finish this thing.

    • #5634
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      This is a vibe … simple and delicious. So, the levels are obviously not correct, BUT: as soon as you got proper listening gear again, don´t fiddle too much with it, because in parts it is the raw and unpolished vibe which makes this great … vocal still could use some fx though, it stands out quite dry against the rest, to me at least 🙂


    • #5633
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      So i won´t say anything about the kick … not even a knock knock joke, its all been said. This one is very UK-ish if thats a thing … no notes on mixing, since its an early stage still. So: what caught my ear is that chord stab that comes in the first break … something does not feel right with this one, maybe it needs some filtering or a slight tweak on the sounddesign, track instantly improves when the other lead takes over 2:50ish. 303 can use more movement and “spice” … make it dirty, the squelch is there. Nice idea


    • #4066
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      Hmm, i kinda want a deep subbass in this, playing just one note in the offbeats  every other bar with some syncopations here and there … i also think that what Ian is picking up as overcompressed actually is that topend of that gnarly bassline. There is also some dirt involved on that clap sound, could be a layered sound playing with the clap. That interferes with the topend of that bassline and clogs up the frequencies there … in case you were going for exactly that, this comment will destroy itself in 30seconds.
      That lead sound, this bleep sound, could come up a little more and catch a little more reverb … but really i am picky here, this is heading in a very good direction

    • #4065
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      Instantly i agree with Mr. Whaters, i also had to turn my volume down for the track … it is loud.
      So i will focus on what i notice:
      1:42 i noticed some competing elements, but listening back a few times made me question myself on that
      2:24 that neuro bass can come up by quite bit
      Agree with Ian on that 4:55 sound, feels too sudden/sorta disconnected
      So nice tune, pay attention to your reverbs, from what i hear they are the main source of mixing “issues” in here … there are some spots here and there where they create some mud where it shouldn´t be
      Great track

    • #4064
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      Also, just an idea: you could use that piano bit from the breaks somewhere in the beat section as well, like from 3:55 ish and then for like 16 bars, just adding a little extra spice

    • #4063
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      On to the track: love the jazzy drum set, really smooth. Really nice tune … there are some little flute like sounds here and there (3:10 for reference), they could come up 1 or 2db´s so they catch the reverb better … i really like this one, smooooth as butter

    • #4062
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      Oh my god, Alex has a face 😀


    • #4061
      The Matt Schulz
      Points: 64.00

      Aah, now i understand what you mean Todd … it is more about the composing aspect, I really want to help with that but i also know my own limits and you described pretty well what i am doing in my tracks for the most part as well … so yeah, i can´t be of much help with that but i will gladly lend you my ear for the technical aspects.

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