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    • HI Guys

      So been playing about with this track i started in Live 12  been figuring out some of its new features i used the midi note stretch for the kick drum rolls i also had a play with the new performance pack where can control several parameters on one slider in this case i added a filter on both the main kick and the rolling kick to make the…Read More

    • Final final before doing it all over again in the morning

      I’m once again away from my own track and back in the remix chair. One of the last tracks in the Monolith series from Airyule.
      All of us on Thorium are making a remix

      Began 10 hours ago and is nearly done with the masterplan, now its time for mixing and tripping around with fx.
      How does…Read More

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      • Sounding pretty good already. Liked the mid section the most; the last third was a bit repetitive but I’m really keen on the next version 🙂

        • Yeah working on getting some more things for that part. Also need to remove a few things so they are not there all the time. But that usually happens during mixing 🙂 thx for listening

    • Has been a while since I worked on some music, finally got to finish my track after the great feedback I received from you guys (when it was still on discord)

      Special thanks to DEHN, Denats, Ben Hunt, Kenada, The Matt Schulz…

      Not sure if any of these guys are also on the forum, really appreciated the feedback and it improved the track.

      This…Read More

    • Profile picture of SCHEPPERZ

      Hey guys, here’s a new track I’ve been working on. This one was a fight as I promised to create a new track based on a 303. There were times I didn’t want to finish it but here we are 😀 Every feedback is very welcome!…Read More

      • Not much to say, it just works. I do think the 303 is a bit thin in sound, so if anything, try and fatten it up.

        • Btw the forum still works for feedback, all you gotta do is press forum here in the group and you get into it 🙂

        • Yeah, good point – wasn’t sure but now I am 🙂

        • And of course thanks a lot for listening!

          • Its just if we end up being loads of people posting for feedback on the walls, it will get lost in the feed, the forum is better for that.

            And yeah put a little more meat on that 303 and its basically done

    • Another new one from me, bit more of a techy house vibe I guess…

      Any feedback welcome as always, feel like the mix isn’t in a bad place but my ears could well be deceiving me.

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