DEHN / STATIC CORN posted in the group STATIC CORN
Today’s Loop in the Studio. Let’s make this into another hybrid between oldschool Minimal Psy and Dark Minimal Techno.
So I did this 🙂
Grown Out Of Minimal – A Separate Reality
Inspired by the book: A Separate Reality: Further Conversations With Don Juan
Written by anthropologist/author Carlos Castaneda, published in 1971, concerning the events that took place during his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian Sorcerer, Don Juan Matus, between 1960 and 1…Read More
DEHN / STATIC CORN posted in the group New Plugins and Samples
So this morning me and a friend compiled LiveCut for you all.
Linux + Windows + OSX versions
Livecut is based on BBCut, the BreakBeat Cutting library written by Nick Collins for SuperCollider.
The BBCut Library began out of work on an algorithm to simulate the automatic cutting of breakbeats in the style of early jungle or drum and bass,…Read More
If people want to compile it themself.
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I love that book!