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Bea StallcupOffline

    • Forums will be closed and group posts will take over that function.
      It is simply not used enough, and feedback isn’t main focus on site. Therefore groups are fine for what forums could do. And it will make the site more around the activity wall

    • Hi All this DnB track with maybe a bit of Jump up feel to it i been working on the track is kinda about the town i was born in and what it has become now — a complete shithole lol!! its well know for crime now and stabbings are regular plus people litterally flytip crap in the streets of wealdstone it used to be a nice area -anyhow this is V1 i…Read More

    • Profile picture of Zach

      Zach posted in the group WTMO-LOBBY

      Hey everyone, I put out a new dubstep tune a week or so ago! Anyone who’s been a fan of my bass work will really like this one. It’s definitely one of the most sound design intensive ones I’ve done in a while. If you’re into heavy futuristic dubstep, this one’s for you. Hope you dig it. 🖤

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    • Hey guys, got some D&B for you this time. More funky, liquid stuff than hard this time.

      I originally made this track in 2020-21 but I was never satisfied with it so I thought I’d bring this one back after some tweaks.

      I’d love some input on the…Read More

    • Profile picture of AFL

      AFL started the topic AFL – Dinosaur in the forum Group logo of WTMO-Track FeedbackWTMO-Track Feedback in the group WTMO-Track Feedback

      Here’s another Dubstep track from me. I feel I’m close to finished with this just need to get some fresh ears on it.

      Thanks for listening!

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