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Zwen Bleach – Bleach and Dry

WE TALK MUSIC ONLINE Forums WTMO-Track Feedback Zwen Bleach – Bleach and Dry

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15 replies
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    • #7071
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      Has been a while since I worked on some music, finally got to finish my track after the great feedback I received from you guys (when it was still on discord)

      Special thanks to DEHN, Denats, Ben Hunt, Kenada, The Matt Schulz…

      Not sure if any of these guys are also on the forum, really appreciated the feedback and it improved the track.

      This should be the final version

      You guys also agree it’s finished?

      Then off to find a label somewhere (didn’t I see some label contacts in the discords server before?)

      Greetingz, Zwen

    • #7072
      Points: 1,091.20

      Hey and welcome. Yes we are still here. 🙂 I will give it a listen in the morning. Got a 14 year old having birthday, so no critical listening today 🙂
      But again welcome, and cool you found us again.

    • #7080
      We Talk Music Online
      Points: 977.10

      The mix is as such ok. But if you take and skip through it, you can easily hear that there are problems in second part and the mids are overtaking your kick and bass, this make you bass and kick lower than all the other parts because of compression. So you need to make sure that your kick and bass are the same level throughout the track. either you need to make the master less aggressive, or fix the parts that are overtaking your bass/kick

      When it comes to structure and all that, it is done.

    • #7081
      Hushed Tones
      Points: 76.00

      Hi Zwen,

      Glad to hear you’re working on music. Love the idea, but Dehn is right, mix could use work.

      – Kick is hollow and getting lost in the mix. Mid-low is eaten up. Could use more transient as well to punch through the mix.

      – Big fan of the synth, but I feel it could use variation or a fun layer. Movement is nice on it.

      – Bass is also getting a bit lost. Maybe cut the lows on your synths a bit more.

      – I feel like the middle of the mix is busy, have you tried panning things like your ear candy and overheads? Does wonders.

      I think this track could be a couple minutes shorter as well unless it really evolves and changes more. It’s a dope tune though, and it’s awesome to see your sound design. I’m a fan.

    • #7083
      Points: 296.10

      Hi Zwen

      I really like this track the idea is great, i think like has been said above the low end and Kick needs to punch through more in the mix maybe some side chain ducking on the mid/high instruments to ensure this gives space etc.. and perhaps some eq in that kick to give it some thump to give it a dominance in the lows but great tune though ..T

    • #7121
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      thanks for the feedback guys.

      I’m a bit lost on the kick … have listened to it on headset and monitors and sounded ok to me, on a (good) blue tooth speaker the kick was so booming it was too much, almost breaking the speaker. So adding more oomph to the kick is not going to work, guess I’ll have to shave off some low mids again from the other elements.

      The thing is that when I do that the variation on the synth is less present and it starts to sound the same for the entire track, whilest there is variation that should be gettting the attention.

      Not sure how I’m going to fix this 🙂

    • #7122
      Points: 1,091.20

      I’m not talking about adding more to the kick, it’s when the track gets busy the kick goes down, and that is not because of the kick, that is probably something on your mastering chain that is not right, or your synths that are taking over the compression in the mastering chain, making the kick lower than when it is solo.

      Group your things and throw on limiter or multiband compression, so you keeps things at a constant level. If a mix looks like it is gaining more and more volume on the waveform. Then its time to go back and have a look. Compression works across the spectrum so having mix that keeps on gaining volume, will make the compressor work more and more.

      And those bluetooth speakers are 99% summing down your track to mono, so if the kick is really loud on your bluetooth, then its more likely that you got a stereo problem in your mix, it’s almost every time because.

      1: Mixed on headphones (you loose crossover from the speakers)
      2: Stereo widening tools. (they do more harm than good if you are not really careful)

    • #7130
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      I use sidechain compression for all my synths and bass to the kick, all separately 🙂 Yes that grouping thing I’ll need to check out 🙂 The track does get a little more busy after the break indeed…

      regarding the bluetooth speaker: I don’t use stereo widening tools and I’m already sending my lows to mono in my mix so would be strange if I have a stereo problem on the lows. I mix in headphones indeed but I’ll always have a listen on my monitors afterwards also. I had a feeling the kick was simlply too strong in my track but have asked other people to have a listen and they didn’t notice that.

      So I have 2 challenges, find out how the kick gets lost in the 2nd part (and try to hear it first) and don’t lose the focus on the synth variation because otherwise it starts to sound monotonous




    • #7133
      Points: 1,091.20

      its’ not about sending your lows to mono, you don’t need that (that advice is actually completely wrong.), they just need to be mono compatible, there is a huge difference. Same goes for the rest of the track. Try hear it in mono, do you still hear all things or does the mix fall apart?

      And when it comes to me, I’m really picky about those things, so many would settle with your mix, and call it the day. But I really want people to pay attention to those things. It will only help them further down the mixing adventure and results will come faster.

    • #7136
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      check this out, should be fixed!

    • #7148
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      what do you think, bass and kick ok now?

      anyone that knows a label that fits my sound?

    • #7149
      Points: 1,091.20

      Yeah kick is ok now 🙂

      I don’t know of a label that release this kind of sound. Maybe some of the others do.
      We do make compilations and release music that went through our feedback. So if you cant find a label, then talk to me if you want it out on WTMO.

    • #7157
      Zwen Bleach
      Points: 14.00

      You were so right on that kick that it got lost in 2nd part, after hearing my own track way too much I just didn’t notice that on my own, much appreciated. I’ll be participating in giving some feedback in return also, have a kid and a lot of hobbies but I’ll make some time! Thanks for the invite on releasing it on WTMO, I’ll defenitely consider it.

      Greetingz, Zwen.

    • #7246
      Points: 296.10

      Hi Zwen that version sounding much better the Kick feels stronger thru the 2nd part to me sounding good mate.. T

      • #7303
        Zwen Bleach
        Points: 14.00

        thanks mate

    • #7525
      Ben Hunt
      Points: 146.20

      Compareed the two version and the kick and bass sound a lot clearer in the latest one, sounds done.

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