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WTMO-Track Feedback

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  • 15 hours, 49 minutes ago
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PR23 Cloud 9

last updated by DEHN 3 months, 1 week ago
5 voices
7 replies
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    • #7661
      Points: 211.20

    • #7665
      Points: 571.40

      Buen día Paul, glad to hear something new! I really liked the groove the most and those 303 sounds, like 1:42 (which is a tad too loud for my taste though). That section at ~1:00 felt strange (even the second time listening), when that clap and cowbell showed up for one beat and then disappeared to come back 10 seconds later for another beat. But let’s wait for other’s feedback:) That transition into the break (~2:58) would be smoother with a good amount of reverb. I really liked the switch to broken beat kick pattern after the break. Didn’t expect that but it worked for me. For some reason I wished a more audible transient on the kick in that section though. In the last third the 303 gets a little far away, compared to the percs. Being really super picky though. Cool stuff so far Paul 👍

    • #7667
      Points: 211.20

      Thanks Michael…I managed not to post the notes I’d written on the track somehow. I know the section at 1.00 is a bit odd when the new perc comes in, it’s something I was going to change anyway. I just thought I’d post the track as is to get some feedback before changing it. I am still unsure about the drop, like it needs something more still. There are some volume and EQ adjustments that need dealing with too. Ok, thanks for the listen!

    • #7718
      Ben Hunt
      Points: 146.20

      Killer groove Paul.

      I personally found the knock on the kick a bit much, but could just be my taste

      Change up at 1.35 is really cool.

      There’s a few sections as mentionned where the percussion came in, went away then came back again really quickly, which was a bit distracting. Think the flow could be improved by bringing the elements in seperately and building on them rather than the switch ups.

      Breaks section was great, I feel it could be a bit longer though, then build up a bit more to the 4/4 returning.

      Really solid start, I think with a few arrangement tweaks it will be pretty much there.

      • This reply was modified 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Ben Hunt.
    • #7723
      Points: 1,091.20

      Damn this is good. Those 303 are super cool. I agree with the knock on the kick, take that down and it’s pretty much done.

    • #7747
      Points: 296.10

      Hi Paul Nice and punchy the kick is banging i like the 303s here nice build at the intro i felt as mentions the 1.00 area with the clap in and out i think should just keep it in for the build up. ahh nice at 1.43 luvin this aciiid !! nice !! the 2.17 area with clap cutting and back in is ok but it need something to balance it perhaps another snare/clap sound in some fill to work again the claps cutting out, nice breakdown at 3.09 i like and build up and the breakbeat build here to the drop nice work mate..T

    • #8725
      Points: 211.20

      V2 Here, reduced the knock on the kick and slight changes to some perc patterns and a few more bars on the outro.


    • #9310
      Points: 1,091.20

      I think the main problem here is that the kick is actually just really loud. But then when everything got going, it kind of came into place.  Is there a compressor on the masterchannel? At some places it does sound like something is pulling the lows more down than other places. So if you got a compressor on master, try look at it through the track and see if it pulls more and more down.  The track is done, slight problems with your breakbeat backwards section, but not something that couldnt be fixed with mastering

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