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WTMO-Track Feedback

  • Public Group
  • 3 hours, 3 minutes ago
  • 508


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  • Hey peeps, been in the production wilderness fora few weeks as work has been manic, but finally got round to making another slow mo chugger (108bpm.) Any feedback welcome as…Read More

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  • Hey guys,

    I made the original version of this track back in 2011 in Reason and have always wanted to redo it since getting back into Ableton a few years ago but had lost all the samples and original project file.

    I finally sat down and re-recorded the movies audio and chopped out the samples I needed and here is the…Read More

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  • New one from me in a dark dub techno kinda vibe. Any and all thoughts welcome.


  • Hi guys, been a while since I posted something (from the Discord channel times).

    Finally managed to “finish” a new track, been some busy times.

    Very curious what you guys think about the idea and the overall arrangement.
    I have tried doing some mixing, so feedback on that is also very welcome.

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    1 Comment
    • Hi Zack, Bass is good, fat and warm but maybe bring it a little later for impact? A little variation on the hi hat pattern would help I think. At 1.36 it goes into another long break not long after the first one, I think a longer section before the second break would work better. 2.40 maybe a riser here before the kick drops back in?. Ok, it’s a…Read More

  • Hi guys, have been doing a lot of DnB of late i thought would change it up for a bit of a break and also apply some lessons from my DnB endeavors, this track is House music with some deep feel funk I’m nearly there think maybe a few going over to ensure the mix is right and few touches here and there your help and comments as always are…Read More

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Track Feedback is for everyone

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When receiving feedback, dont take things personally. We know feedback can be hard to hear. But remember, this is your first time listeners, their opinion matters.
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