Drum processing chain. (v1.1.0) BANG: Transient shaper HEAT: Distortion/saturation SUB: Bass oscillator TONE: High shelf, tilt and noise CLAMP: Soft/hard clipper
Multi-band dynamics processor (v2.0.0). Another OTT clone, but with more features. True stereo and mid-side processing. 2x and 4x oversampling.
A simple soft/hard knee clipper with oversampling.
Volume and pan modulator with sine, square and ramp waves. DEPTH and TIME are smoothed for automation.
Upwards and downwards compression. Dynastia’s dynamics processing in a compact form. Includes all the same modes as Dynastia. LR processes L and R separately, MS processes mid and side separately, MID processes mid only and SIDE processes side only.
Stereo widener with two distinct algorithms. No phase issues when summed to mono. MODE 1 delays mono signal and flips the phase of the right channel. MODE 2 same as previous but uses comb filtering and shorter delay time.
Low-pass and high-pass filters. From 12 up to 60 dB per octave slopes. Both parameters are smoothed for automation. Smooth auto-disable when no filtering is done.
Saturation to distortion. HEAT is not only drive but also feeds the signal back to itself before saturation. This creates a warm but dirty sound. If you push things too far, DYNAMICS can help you bring back the lost dynamic range.
These are cool great bundle thanks WTMO
Fantastic GUI. I’m looking forward to checking these out.