
Free Plugins from Outobugi

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Drum processing chain. (v1.1.0) BANG: Transient shaper HEAT: Distortion/saturation SUB: Bass oscillator TONE: High shelf, tilt and noise CLAMP: Soft/hard clipper

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Multi-band dynamics processor (v2.0.0). Another OTT clone, but with more features. True stereo and mid-side processing. 2x and 4x oversampling.

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A simple soft/hard knee clipper with oversampling.

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Volume and pan modulator with sine, square and ramp waves. DEPTH and TIME are smoothed for automation.

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Upwards and downwards compression. Dynastia’s dynamics processing in a compact form. Includes all the same modes as Dynastia. LR processes L and R separately, MS processes mid and side separately, MID processes mid only and SIDE processes side only.

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Stereo widener with two distinct algorithms. No phase issues when summed to mono. MODE 1 delays mono signal and flips the phase of the right channel. MODE 2 same as previous but uses comb filtering and shorter delay time.

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Low-pass and high-pass filters. From 12 up to 60 dB per octave slopes. Both parameters are smoothed for automation. Smooth auto-disable when no filtering is done.

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Saturation to distortion. HEAT is not only drive but also feeds the signal back to itself before saturation. This creates a warm but dirty sound. If you push things too far, DYNAMICS can help you bring back the lost dynamic range.


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