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  • Profile picture of Zwen Bleach

    Zwen Bleach posted in the group WTMO-LOBBY

    2 months, 2 weeks ago

    I saw this passing by in one of the producer pages on facebook, headphone calibration, looks interesting :

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    • Interesting, I use Headphone correction by Toneboosters called MorphIT. It’s great. This seems like an interesting way to do it.

      • thanks, will check it out, tried SoundID Reference yesterday and I immediately got the sound from my car out of my headphones (I have really good car audio, harman kardon) … not satisfied with the mastering by the label on my last release, my own mastering sounded better. In my own mastering I EQ to adjust for headset vs monitors, didn’t happen in the mastering before release. But thats my own fault, should have EQ’d it perfectly in the mix and not fix it in the master, then the premaster would have been good. SO …. a nice evening with comparing headphone correction plugins this evening awaits! 🙂

        • If you can find your headphones on that page, there is no need for programs other than an EQ. Headphone correction is kind of a joke since it’s just an EQ. It’s quite something else when it comes to monitors and you have a room that plays in. Software with test tones and mics are quite handy.

          • I understand basically that’s it, an EQ, probably on more than 5 or 10 points but yes. I tried multiple plugins and 1 really still stands but, I really like SoundID Reference, for mulitple reasons. First ofcourse it had instant sound recognition when I selected my HD 650s, you already understand the idea behind headphone correction ofcourse, I don’t need to explain that, but for me it was insta “YES”. And the extras : it has an app that runs system wide, so everything I listen to on my windows pc will now sound corrected, easy to toggle, thats handy. And also a nice feature on it is the “translation check”: you can easily emulate inears or smartphones or a car or a tv to check how it would sound on those, I know that can also be achieved with multiple EQ’s but this is really a nice and handy UI. I will test it some more for the lenght of the trial period but for now I have to admin I am a fan. I also tested Goodhertz CanOpener which also works nice with my HD650 and can go in front of the headphone correction. I didn’t like Realphones and also didn’t like Morphit (profile selection didn’t work)

            • after a week of the trial I decided not to go for it, the windows plugin sometimes stutters and that was one of the benefits over a simple EQ. In the end I went with settings from than DEHN provided and the free EqualizerAPO ParametricEq


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