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  • Profile picture of SCHEPPERZ

    SCHEPPERZ started the topic SCHEPPERZ – Loud Speaker v1 in the forum WTMO-Track Feedback

    7 months, 2 weeks ago

    Hey guys, this track’s idea was created with a new workflow approach and framed out in less than an hour so it is really rough. Levels are ok-ish so far. Just wanted to know what you think of it.

    1 Comment
    • The low end is lush, and the mids are a tad bright on the percussion/ride for my taste but still playable, for me by 2min mark I want more vocals that are slightly different rather than using the same ones but again, it is not a massive thing, more personal taste. This track feels like a bit of a new approach for you mate, It has different kick style, obviously still distorted but different style, for me I would say this track is something you would play part way through a set once everything has got going to give you that hypnotic effect that the kicks gave me, nothing obvious stands out as wrong, the breaker kicks are good, it flows well with no real interruption and sounds good, not my fav track of yours but certainly worth finishing – sorry if that sounds harsh but it’s a good track just not your strongest track


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